Sarah, a born & raised Belgian, has been a sports lover for as long as she can remember. Dancing and playing tennis have been a big part of her life since her childhood. She has taught dance classes (mostly hip hop) during her studies in Leuven and trained and performed for almost ten years with a hip hop team. When she started working, she discovered her love for pilates and started practicing it on her own and in the studio. After moving to Brussels a couple of years ago looking for a change and a new challenge, she took her shot by auditioning for REFORMER/RISE.

Sarah has a never stop learning mentality. She loves to go to other (movement) classes to improve herself as a coach by watching others doing the job. Also, she believes that music plays a big role in making people move and connect with their bodies. Sarah builds up her classes by choosing the right playlist for the 50 minutes of sweat and mindfulness, and her dance background has a big influence on that!

  • Everybody moves and connects differently with their body. Learn how to make the movement your 'own' and challenge yourself. Let the music lead you and... move BIGGER!

  • More energised than before they came in. And inspired to keep moving their bodies.

  • Music, watching other people move and teach, spending time with family and being out in nature.




