Meet Pieter, a 195 cm Dutchie that can not be missed in the Flagey studio. He started spinning in Rotterdam three years ago and immediately fell in love with it, but never in a million years did he expect to, one day, be on the stage giving the classes himself. Yet, the best things in life happen at the most unexpected times: initially planning to stay in Brussels for five months only, he decided to stay to do a master’s study and coach people to be the best version of themselves on the bike as a side job.

If you are looking for an instructor that is all about creating a motivational and inspirational ride, whilst having a fun time riding to feel-good music, Pieter is the one for you. Determined to create the best experience for both beginners and advanced, he always makes sure to provide an open environment where everyone feels welcome. Trust us: you will walk out of the room with a big smile on your face, ready to take on whatever life throws at you!

  • As a strong believer in the power of words, Pieter is determined to create a motivational and inspirational ride. Next to that, he believes working out should be something people truly enjoy: feel-good music and having fun lies at the core of his rides.

  • “Do not strive for perfection, strive for growth”. It is impossible to do everything perfectly, but as long as you keep on showing up and trying the best you can, your performance on the bike grows in no time.

  • Bois de la Cambre for a run or walk, Belga&Co for the best coffee, KOMO for the best poke bowls & Cocina Flagey for the best pizza.




